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[LISTEN] Climate change will make universal health coverage precarious

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Universal Healthcare Coverage and the National Health Insurance (NHI) are major talking points both in South Africa and abroad.

The BMJ in partnership with The Harvard Global Health Institute has launched a collection of articles exploring how to achieve effective universal health coverage (UHC). The collection highlights the importance of quality in UHC, potential finance models, how best to incentivise stakeholders, and some of the barriers to true UHC.

One of those barriers, and it’s a big one, is climate change – patterns of disease will change, both communicable and non-communicable, cataclysmic weather will disrupt systems, and the economic impact is going to challenge our ability to pay for healthcare.

But even against that backdrop, Ashish Jha, and Rene Salas – aren’t totally pessimistic. They join us to talk about the intersection between climate and health, and where effective change can be made.

PodChatLive: Episode 53 with Chris Napier [Running Shoes]

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Picking the right pair of running shoes can make or break your running technique.

In this latest episode of the Podchat Live podcast, Dr Chris Napier: Physiotherapist and Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia (and 2:33 marathoner) summarises his recent BJSM editorial on the logical fallacies in the running shoe debate, and we talk about how runners (both uninjured and injured) should choose shoes, what the evidence tells us (and doesn’t yet tell us), how much focus and attention running shoes seem to get (and whether this is warranted), and is it just all about comfort?