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Carlo Longano

Prediction Lab healthcare partnership launched

By Insights

Dynamic Body Technology, The Movement Data Company ™ – the team behind the 3D Joint ROM tool – have signed an exclusive global licensing deal for the delivery of a predictive analysis tool for physiotherapists and sports science professionals.

The South African based medical technology firm has partnered with the Biodynamics Institute whose analysis has been back-tested with over 6000 patients with an 84% success rate. The analysis will be delivered as a subscription offering under the “Dynamic Body Technology Prediction Lab” brand.

“For us, this is the logical step in the evolution of our business,” says Dynamic Body Technology CEO Marc Ashton adding: “Ultimately we want to develop tools that use objective data to analyse healthcare conditions and inform treatment methods.”

Carlo Longano, CEO of Biodynamics Institute says: “We have invested a significant amount of time into developing these techniques and we look forward to sharing them with the market and developing higher quality therapists.”

Not only does the partnership add a new offering to Dynamic Body Technology but it also adds value new skills to the development team says Stephen Meyerowitz, Chief Technical Officer and co-founder of Dynamic Body Technology: “For me, one of the real benefits of this particularly opportunity is that it helps us expand our clinical skills base by bringing in experts in the fields of gait analysis, podiatry and biomechanics. This will assist us in continuing to develop more relevant tools for healthcare professionals.”