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[WATCH] Gait Training After Surgery

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Have you or a patient recently undergone surgery that has impacted your gait? Are you finding your movements unstable or uncoordinated?

Pain – or the EXPECTATION of pain can severely impact your ability to move comfortably following surgery and it takes specific exercises to help your rehabilitation.

The Prehab Guys have prepared a series of exercises in this video which are a variety of different gait training tasks.

Remember that you can use 3D Joint ROM to measure Range of Motion in your knee or ankle and capture the quality of the patient movement to help you analyse and manage rehabilitation activities.

[PODCAST] Interpreting Surface EMG

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On this episode of the Healthy Wealthy and Smart Podcast, I welcome Andrew Vigotsky and Dr. Nick Rolnick back on to the show to discuss Andrew’s paper, Interpreting single amplitude in sports and rehab sciences.

In this episode, the team discuss

-What information can you conclude from a surface EMG study

-The limitations of surface EMG research

-What to look for in a surface EMG methods section

About Dr. Nicholas Rolnick:
Nick is a licensed physical therapist, the founder of the Human Performance Mechanic and the co-founder of Blood Flow Restriction Pros. He received his Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree with academic honors from Columbia University in New York City.

Through his work as a physical therapist his goal is to keep his patients in perfect balance, have the skills to recognize asymmetries and help patients enjoy the benefits of pain-free movement.

He teaches across the United States as a clinical instructor for SmartTools Plus and is an adjunct faculty member at Concordia University – Chicago where he teaches Kinesiology I and II in their MS Applied Exercise Science Program. He also speaks nationally and internationally on the use of blood flow restriction therapy for various diagnoses and populations.

About Andrew Vigotsky
Andrew is currently a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University, where he studies neuromuscular biomechanics. He has published papers in areas ranging from rehabilitation to surface electromyography methodology and biomechanical modeling. His dissertation works aims to understand the neuromechanical implications of muscular heterogeneities.

Physio Matters Podcast: The Elbow: Tennis & Otherwise with Val Jones

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Are you treating Tennis Elbow? This 60th episode of the Physio Matters podcast look the subject of Tennis Elbow:

This includes predisposing factors, triage, assessment, treatment, management, prognosis, prevention and more!

The team interviews Val Jones who is a hugely knowledgable upper limb specialist Physio from Sheffield who has helped to promote the ‘E’ in BESS (British Shoulder & Elbow Society) for many years.


Don’t forget that you can use our 3D Joint ROM tool to measure Range of Motion (ROM) in the elbow highly accurately and in real-time

Measuring Quality of Movement using 3D Joint ROM

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While Range of Motion (ROM) is an important element to consider for clinicians, the ultimate goal is to measure Quality of Movement.

Our powerful reporting and graphing features allow a therapist to measure and monitor in real-time, the Quality of Movement in real-time.

  • Are the movements smooth or erratic?
  • Is the patient trying to compensate for pain or discomfort by moving the joint through one of the other planes
  • Can you as the clinician identify the exact moment that a patient experiences pain, record that pain marker and revert with objective data to show improvement in quality of movement?

The 3D Joint ROM tool provides a number of features to equip clinicians with the ability to measure the Quality of Movement to demonstrate outcomes or evidence based monitoring and improvement of quality of movement.

You can see 3D Joint ROM in action HERE or purchase it  through our online store. If you have further queries around the tool, you can e-mail

Do clinicians need to be accurate when measuring ROM?

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Marc Ashton, CEO, Dynamic Body Technology

Does objectivity and accuracy matter for clinicians? In the process of rolling out 3D Joint ROM to the market, this has been an interesting question that clinicians have turned back on us and one that I believe should be debated.

The premise behind the 3D Joint ROM tool is that it allows clinicians to accurately measure Range of Motion (ROM) in multiple planes in real-time and provide an objective recording of patient range.

When presenting to clinicians, the question has been asked: “Why do we need objective recordings of ROM? Why can I not simply use my clinical experience to judge improvement or decline?”

As a solutions provider with an interest in accuracy and objectivity, this was an interesting rebuttal. While much has been made about the impact of technology on the healthcare sector and concerns that the subjective skill and analysis are being discounted, we believe we have a couple of comments on this:


A recent installation we did for a podiatrist in South Africa highlighted the importance of objective data when referring a patient. An issue raised by this clinician is that orthopedic surgeons were disregarding subjective opinion and opting to operate despite the patient being within range guidelines.

As patients and consumers are using technology to help educate themselves around their treatments, they are going to interrogate the advice (and associated costs) provided by clinicians. Objective and accurate data will lead to higher quality referrals and treatment plans.

Tracking the pain point

At what exact moment does a patient feel pain during a movement? If you can diagnose the pain point, you can save significant recovery time by focusing on the right outcomes rather than struggling to replicate the movement.

Outcomes-based healthcare

When running a business, it is easy to work out whether you are achieving an outcome: If your income exceeds your expenses, you are heading in the right direction. As a clinician, it’s less black and white and there is significant pressure on clinicians to demonstrate their outcome in an accurate and objective manner.

Clinicians are increasingly reporting that there is a focus on outcomes – particularly from the sports science fraternity – patients no longer just want to hear that “Range or mobility has improved” – they want to know to what degree it has improved as a result of your treatment.

Gaming an outcome

When it comes to treatment and rehabilitation, patient motivation is a major factor and one that many clinicians will battle with. How do I motivate my patient to hit their rehabilitation goals?

By showing a patient real-time data of their movement, they can have an accurate measure of exactly how much further they have improved and aspire to hit their rehabilitation goals. Data that is provided in real-time can add a gaming element to rehabilitation.


When doing some research for this post, I typed into Google “How important is accuracy in Range of Motion measurement” as a search phrase (combination of words not complete search phrase) and ended up with 39.2 million links on the internet. There is clearly a lot of interest in the topic.

Where I think we need to be careful is this narrative that objective technology replaces the need for subjective insights from qualified medical professionals. Technology should be there to support the clinician not replace them or discount their skills.

We at Dynamic Body Technology would love to get insights from clinicians around the importance of accuracy and objectivity when it comes to medical data. Please feel free to leave a comment below or drop me a line on

Physio Matters Podcast: Session 59 – Personal Injury Claims – Rehab, Ethics and Progress with Heather Watson

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The Physio Matters team talks to Heather Watson who is in the process of revolutionising one of the most complex and contentious sections of the MSK industry; the personal injury claims market.

Fault and causation are key to the legal side of these issues and as a consequence the patients can get lost in the system and even adversely affected by these traditionally ‘non-health’ variables. This is why the topic maps onto medical and societal ethics, morality and duty in such interesting ways. Heather Watson is the founder and director of Designed2Move limited and is working to put functional, context specific rehab at the heart of complex case management.

PodChatLive: Episode 41 with Ben Cormack [Exercise Rehab & Movement]

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In this episode the PodChatLive team talked with Ben Cormack.

Ben Cormack owns and runs Cor-Kinetic. He is a musculoskeletal therapist with a clinical background in sports therapy, rehabilitation, pain science & exercise stretching back 15 years. He specialises in a movement & exercise based approach with a strong education component and patient centred focus.

The interview covers what he believes are the key components to a successful rehab programme (and why they may fail), along with how we promote self efficacy, empower and motivate our patients and the evidence base behind strength work (and the differences between strength and load tolerance).

Don’t forget to check out our 3D Joint ROM product to measure Range of Motion (ROM) accurately and develop 3D models of your movement.