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WCPT releases annual review

By October 26, 2018Insights

The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) has released its annual review, providing a comprehensive update on the state of the industry and initiatives to bring professionals closer together.

Physical therapists from WCPT member organisations in 26 countries took part in WCPT’s committees and expert groups and 360 people volunteered as abstract reviewers for WCPT Congress 2017. WCPT staff delivered advocacy workshops in Japan and Senegal, and the SUDA project has led to membership applications from Ivory Coast, Mali, Morocco, and Senegal.

WCPT held its first congress in Africa in 2017 and the event attracted 2,392 delegates from 101 countries. The congress was recognised for funding bursaries which enabled 19 physical therapists to attend, raising money for community exercise programmes, and developing partnerships to promote physical activity in schools.

The review is available for download here.

The graphic below is a fantastic representation of the number of physiotherapists / physical therapists in your region:


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