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[LEARN] Prescribing physical activity with Dr Jane Thornton (Part 1)

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In this BJSM podcast, BJSM deputy editor Dr Jane Thornton joins Daniel Friedman to discuss physical activity counselling.

Dr Jane Thornton MD PhD is a sports medicine physician and researcher currently based in London, Canada, and is an international advocate for physical activity. She has a wealth of international experience in the field of preventative medicine, with a particular passion for promoting physical activity as both prevention and treatment of chronic disease. Alongside a super impressive medical career, Dr Thornton is also a World Champion and former Olympic rower for Canada.

In Part 1 of this 2-part podcast, Dr Thornton discusses:
· Why physical activity is the single best thing we can do for our health
· The evidence for physical activity prescription in primary care
· The shared decision making of how to prescribe physical activity to patients
· How to talk about physical activity intensity with patients

[LEARN] Physical Activity and Cancer, an update with Dr Rebecca Robinson

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In this podcast Dr Katie Marino interviews Dr Rebecca Robinson about physical activity & cancer. Dr Robinson is a Sport and Exercise Medicine Consultant in Sheffield who has clinics at Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield working directly with cancer patients.

During the podcast she gives a great insight into our current understanding of the use of physical activity in cancer patients. As Macmillan quote that by 2020 almost half the population will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, it is important that we increase our understanding of how physical activity can be used to improve quality of life in this patient group. As mentioned in the podcast, please visit the following link for more information:

Get your staff moving with a Wellness Day

[LISTEN] Climate change will make universal health coverage precarious

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Universal Healthcare Coverage and the National Health Insurance (NHI) are major talking points both in South Africa and abroad.

The BMJ in partnership with The Harvard Global Health Institute has launched a collection of articles exploring how to achieve effective universal health coverage (UHC). The collection highlights the importance of quality in UHC, potential finance models, how best to incentivise stakeholders, and some of the barriers to true UHC.

One of those barriers, and it’s a big one, is climate change – patterns of disease will change, both communicable and non-communicable, cataclysmic weather will disrupt systems, and the economic impact is going to challenge our ability to pay for healthcare.

But even against that backdrop, Ashish Jha, and Rene Salas – aren’t totally pessimistic. They join us to talk about the intersection between climate and health, and where effective change can be made.

[LISTEN] Concussion at the coalface of collision sports. An audience with Prof Jon Patricios

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In this BJSM podcast, we hear from Associate Professor Jon Patricios, a South African Sport & Exercise Medicine physician who has extensive experience of working in Rugby Union. He has an interest in concussion, having written the concussion protocols for the BokSmart injury prevention programme and he is a member of the World Rugby Concussion Advisory Group.

In this discussion, we discuss (among various things)

– How things have changes from an immediate care point of view
– How the HIA works at present?
– The tools available that could help pick up a concussion at the
professional level
– What happens after match-day in terms of follow-up/advice
– Clinical tips in terms of communicate the protocol to players/staff
– Common pitfalls do you encounter when it comes to RTP after a concussion

[WATCH] Healthcare Innovations – Part 2

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The Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) recently hosted the Health Industry Insight Conference, bringing together a number of experts in the fields of healthcare. A key focus for this event was the focus on how innovation can drive a better quality healthcare system in South Africa.

This is part 2 of a two-part panel discussion looking at innovation in the healthcare sector and includes insights from:

– Marlon Burgess, CEO, Afrisky Holdings

– Fanie Hendriksz, Managing Director, Right ePharmacy

– Dr Jonathan Louw, CEO, SANBS

– Clyde Lewis, Chief Commercial Officer, GE Healthcare

[WATCH] Healthcare Innovations – Part 1

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The Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) recently hosted the Health Industry Insight Conference, bringing together a number of experts in the fields of healthcare. A key focus for this event was the focus on how innovation can drive a better quality healthcare system in South Africa.

This is part 1 of a two-part panel discussion looking at innovation in the healthcare sector and includes insights from:

– Marlon Burgess, CEO, Afrisky Holdings

– Fanie Hendriksz, Managing Director, Right ePharmacy

– Dr Jonathan Louw, CEO, SANBS

– Clyde Lewis, Chief Commercial Officer, GE Healthcare

World rugby’s injury prevention journey: Sir Bill Beaumont gives the view from the top

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With the 2019 Rugby World Cup kicking off shortly, much of the focus is going to be on the effective man-management of key players and ensuring that players remain injury-free.

In this latest podcast, Dr Martin Raftery and Dr Ross Tucker join the BJSM to discuss World Rugby’s injury prevention journey, and most recent player welfare initiatives. We also hear from World Rugby chairman Sir Bill Beaumont on how rugby has evolved in this regard.

[WATCH] The Future of Value Based Healthcare – Part 3

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The Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) recently hosted a number of healthcare experts on the subject of Value Based Healthcare.

The Future of Value-Based Healthcare discussion hosted a panel with the following experts:
– Dr Elton Dorkin, MD of Dr EP Dorkin & Associates
– Victoria Barr, Senior Director at FTI Consulting and co-founder of Alignd
– Jasper Westerink, CEO, Philips Africa
– Dr Shrey Viranna, CEO of Life Healthcare
– Dr Unati Mahlati, Chief Medical Officer, Discovery Health Medical Scheme

This is the third part of the session on Value Based Healthcare: