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Range of Motion with Mike Israetel and Nick Tumminello

By November 4, 2018Insights

While the science of biomechanics and Range of Motion (ROM) is important, how do we apply this in the health and fitness sector?

In this latest Revive Stronger vodcast, the team talks to Mike Israetel and Nick Tumminello about the subject of ROM.

Israetel is the head science consultant for Renaissance Periodization, where he has authored and co-authored a number for books. He has a PhD in Sports Physiology from East Tennessee State University, and on the sporting side has experience as a competitive powerlifter, grappler and bodybuilder.

Nick Tumminello is the 2016 NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year, and the Editor-in-chief of the NSCA Personal Training Quarterly journal. He’s the author of three books: Building Muscle and Performance, Strength Training for Fat Loss, and Your Workout PERFECTED. He’s been a trainer for over 20 years, is the former strength coach for team Ground Control MMA and has trained professional athletes in field, court, combat and physique sports

For ease of navigation, the below Timestamps apply:
01:29 Mike starts with explains his take on range of motion
02:51 Nick then starts talking about biomechanics and limitations in the context of range of motion
07:21 Mike responds to Nick’s points brings up common mistakes people make
11:49 Nick replies to Mike’s stance and talks about memorising and analysing concepts. Furthermore he continuous with talking about loading and specificity
16:41 Mike talks about range of motion and hypertrophy
22:54 Nick moves on with speaking about practical applications
30:20 Mike gets back with talking about his practical applications
35:25 Nick then shares his thoughts on partials, individuality and specificity
39:45 Mike adds his comments on partial range of motion
44:28 Nick ends with training different parts of a movement
47:45 Steve gives a short summary



Don’t forget that you can use our 3D Joint ROM tool to accurately measure Range of Motion (ROM) in your practice.


Author stephen

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